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How We Helped Prod Co Accountants

Develop a Complete Sales Funnel

Discover how we revamped and refreshed Prod Co’s branding, website and sales funnel.

Optimized Website

Clarified Message

Cohesive Branding


When Prod Co Accountants came to us, they had a solid CRM and organized sales process, but their sales funnel wasn’t turning browsers into buyers.

They had a valuable service and unique offering for their niche audience of non-fiction producers, but to quote their owner, Margot…

“Our lead magnet might as well have been a doorstop.”

 Their lead generator wasn’t helping them grow a qualified audience

 Their message wasn’t clear and the words on their website weren’t compelling

 Their logo and branding didn’t visually reflect who the professionals and experts they are

 Their website wasn’t organized

Meaningful Marketing We Deployed

Prod Co Accountants wanted our help writing copy and establishing a sales funnel that resulted in more business, including:

  Clear, solution-oriented brand messaging that was sure to capture their ideal client’s attention

  Compelling copy for their website, lead generator, and email marketing

  A lead generator that could be used as a strategic part of their established sales process

  Design help to revitalize their logo, LinkedIn presence, lead generator, and website

A proven Process

That Delivered Results

If Prod Co Accountants wanted to generate consistent leads that turned into paying clients, they needed to optimize their marketing. That’s why we tackled the marketing elements that supported their sales process:

Designed a new lead magnet to capture prospect information and implemented an automated email sequence that nurtures new leads
Optimized their website for lead generation, ensuring compelling copy and strong calls to action
Develop high-quality content

Developed high-quality content including blog posts, emails, and more

From Confusing

To Clear

A Website Transformation

The Results

New website that achieved a 9% overall site conversion rate in just 6 months

Increased email marketing open rate by 60%

New lead generator that averages a 30% conversion rate

High performing cold email content that generated a response rate of 80% opens and 14.5% click rate

Get Your Sales and Marketing

In Sync

When fully aligned, your sales and marketing efforts are a powerful tandem that works in concert with each other. We’ve helped hundreds of brands create meaningful marketing and sales enablement strategies that grow their business. Schedule a call with us today to get started.

Sean and Julie Biddle, co-founders of FitSimply Marketing Solutions